Where We Might In Marketing Approach?

How much does it know to make the difference between Advertising and Marketing? How many of us really know what the exact task of marketing is? We are flooded with various tools for advertising and promotion. Opportunities are much bigger, and we are still not satisfied with our performance and business. So what's in the … Continue reading Where We Might In Marketing Approach?

Top 10 crazy inventions on cars

Today, cars take up a significant part of our lives. They help us get from point A to point B with relative convenience and provide us with a freedom and independence that public transportation is mostly incapable of providing. However, today’s cars are more or less uniform in terms of their style and features. So … Continue reading Top 10 crazy inventions on cars

Why advertise on a radio station

Your market listens to the radio. The people who buy your product or use your service listen to the radio. In fact, close to 90% of the population listens to the radio. Radio is targeted. Each radio station is operated with specific market segments in mind, so despite there being many radio stations nationwide there … Continue reading Why advertise on a radio station

21 Spring marketing ideas

Spring is in the air. And with it comes a whole host of exciting Spring marketing ideas that your business can capitalize on. To get some fun ideas for Spring marketing campaigns, take a look at the tips from marketing experts below. Do Some Spring Cleaning Ivana Taylor, publisher of DIY Marketers says, “Springtime marketing makes me think about … Continue reading 21 Spring marketing ideas

The perfect workweek

No wonder we’re envious. The French say employees should work 35 hours a week. Brits tend to be at their desks for 37.5 hours. Meanwhile, Americans typically spend 47 hours a week at work. Now, researchers have found the perfect number: 39 hours, according to a study from the Australian National University. "Long work hours erode a … Continue reading The perfect workweek